Editor: Vincent Smith, Natural History Museum (UK)

Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) is a community peer-reviewed, open-access, comprehensive online platform, designed to accelerate publishing, dissemination and sharing of biodiversity-related data of any kind. All structural elements of the articles – text, morphological descriptions, occurrences, data tables, etc. – will be treated and stored as DATA, in accordance with the Data Publishing Policies and Guidelines of Pensoft Publishers.

The journal will publish papers in biodiversity science containing taxonomic, floristic/faunistic, morphological, genomic, phylogenetic, ecological or environmental data on any taxon of any geological age from any part of the world with no lower or upper limit to manuscript size.

Mandate for Access to underlying dataset: YES
DOIs issued: YES

Note from FOSTER Editor: FOSTER recommends Data Journals that mandate that data is deposited in long-term data repositories, and persitent idetifiers issued (e.g. DOI). Jefferey Beall, Librairan at University of Colorado, maintains a widely cited credibility list of Open Access publishers at http://scholarlyoa.com/ . We recommend you verify the credibility of any peer-review journal that you are unfamiliar with, before you submit your publications. .

External Content (the link will open in a new tab)

Authors: Pensoft Publishing
Publication year: n.d.
Language: English (EN)
Level of knowledge: Advanced: apply
Usage rights:

Attribution - CC-BY
