Today's Data, Tomorrow's Discoveries

With the release of the public access plan,Today’s Data, Tomorrow’s Discoveries , the National Science Foundation (NSF) continues its commitment to expand public access to the results of its funded research.
Public access is intended to accelerate the dissemination of fundamental research results that will advance the frontiers of knowledge and help ensure the nation’s future prosperity. NSF’s plan is grounded in the realization that clear and open communication of research results is central to fulfilling NSF’s primary mission of promoting the progress of science.
NSF is unique among science agencies for its broad scope, providing support for research and education in all branches of science and engineering.
Therefore, the plan necessarily accommodates the diverse array of research results generated by NSF funded Principal Investigators.
The plan takes advantage of existing infrastructure services and seeks to build partnerships with other federal agencies as well as with public and private sector groups, such as institutions of higher education, publishers, libraries, and technology companies.
In this complex world where information technology advances rapidly, the Foundation recognizes the importance of proceeding in a way that enables both extraordinary progress and disruptive change.

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Authors: National Science Foundation
Publication year: 2015
Language: English (EN)
Level of knowledge: Advanced: apply
Usage rights:

Free access document
