Resources by relevance

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase how the use case application on Agriculture, and more specifically Viticulture, can be utilized by researchers of this domain on a specific topic by using the components and the workflows that are available at the OpenMinTed Platform.

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase how the use case application around the Food Safety thematic area, and more specifically around Food Safety and Water Health, can be utilized by researchers of this domain on a specific topic by using the components and the workflows that are available at the OpenMinTed Platform.

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Intended audience Research Administration, Researchers and Students, Librarians and Repository managers, Project Managers, Project Managers, Policy makers and Funders
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The purpose of this introductory course is to provide a starting point to the concepts of Text and Data Mining (TDM), since the field is gradually gaining more attention from funders and researchers. The course is primarily intended for research support administrative staff, but others, such as researchers, librarians and repository...

By  van den Hoven, Jeroen
Publication year: 2017  |  RRI  |  Ethics
Publication year: 2014  |  Open Science  |  Open Access