
Governance of RRI is any form of coordination designed to foster and mainstream RRI within an organisation or in the interaction with other stakeholders. Govern R&I according to RRI principles: be inclusive, transparent, reflective and adaptive. (Definition from


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By  FIT4RRI project, Luciano d'Andrea (K&I), Federico Marta (K&I)
Publication year: 2020  |  Open Science  |  RRI  |  Governance  |  Organisational change
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Intended audience Research Administration, Policy makers and Funders, Researchers and Students, PHD Students
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

This introductory course will help you to understand what Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) means, where it has come from, and why it can introduce an important and beneficial shift in relations between research, innovation and citizens. 

Upon completing the course you will: 

  • Understand what RRI...
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Intended audience Companies, Entrepreneurs, Research Administration, Policy makers and Funders, Researchers and Students, PHD Students
Level: Introductory: aware of

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)  aims at aligning R&I outcomes with the...

By  RRING project
Publication year: 2018  |  RRI  |  Governance
By  MULTI-ACT project
By  RRI-Practice Project
Publication year: 2018-2021  |  RRI  |  Governance  |  Institutional policies  |  Organisational change