Designing Successful Open Access and Open Data Policies: Intermediate

The course is aimed at those with an intermediate level of knowledge, and comprises:
• A general introduction to terms and operation of Open Access and Open Data.
• An exposition of demonstrable advantages of Open Access and Open Data for the funder’s remit.
• An explanation of the requirements of Horizon 2020 regarding Open Access and Open Data.
• An exposition of the PASTEUR4OA analysis of characteristics of successful policies and mandates.
• A guide to developing effective Open Data policies.
• Examples of successful policies and mandates.
• Suggested further reading.

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Provides a brief introduction to the main concepts of Open Science, discusses the rationale for Open Science and highlights the implications for the research lifecycle.

Describes what an Open Access policy should cover and what makes a policy effective; provides a model Open Access policy; explains why policies of this type work and gives examples.

Describes what an Open Data policy covers; discusses the content of a model Open Data policy; gives a practical checklist for developing an Open Data policy; discusses what makes an Open Data policy effective; and analyses existing policies of funders and links to examples.

Directs to resources produced by the PASTEUR4OA and other projects.