Why you need research paper writing skills

it may be in your life the most important think that you research is, what car to drive or what house to buy. Even if that’s the only kind of research you’re ever going to do, you’ll be glad that you developed a research skills like the ones that this blog will be teaching.


Now, if you’re high school or college student, you may be wondering at this point, why do you need to write a Dissertation? After all you may say, I’m not probably gonna become a college or university teacher so I’m probably not gonna spend my life as a scholar, why is it necessary for me to learn to write the language of scholarship and play act being a scholar for purposes of writing this paper? Well, those points are valid, but there are three good reasons we can pick of why learning to write a dissertation is important and therefore required of almost every high school and college student.
Let’s take a quick look at these three reasons. First, education of course is about the value of knowledge and dissertation is all about uncovering knowledge and building upon it, so the ability to do research and use it intelligently in writing is a basic tool of any educated person. And this is why over the year’s high schools and colleges agreed that being able to write a dissertation is important for any educated person. You need to be able to draw information from many sources and organize it thoughtfully in a piece of writing. That indicates that you understand what you’ve read and have made it your own, and contributed to the advancement of knowledge in some small degree yourself. So part of being educated is being able to write a dissertation and that’s why it’s required in most schools.

The ability to do research and use it intelligently in writing is a basic tool of any educated person.

Second, there are actually practical life reasons why being able to do research paper may be important for you. In today’s economy which is often called as “knowledge economy”, more and more people are using research skills in their daily work. University scholar Jacque Barzoo once defined an intellectual as anyone who carries a briefcase to work. That’s a pretty broad definition and by that definition you could say that we live today in the world of intellectuals as more and more people don’t work with their hands but instead with their minds and with ideas, carrying a briefcase to work and working on a computer and wrestling with words and information on a daily basis. The point is that working with facts, information and ideas is a fundamental category of work today and a chances are good you will be doing that kind of work in your lifetime. So if you’re gonna participate in a knowledge economy, the skills involved in writing a good research paper will be useful to you in your daily life, even if you’re not a university professor.

In today’s “knowledge economy”, more and more people are using research skills in their daily work.

Finally, understanding how to analyse, evaluate, criticize, combine, and draw conclusions from information sources is crucial to everyday decisions, including decisions like what products to buy, who to vote for, where to live, what job to take, and what government policies to support. Think about it. Anytime you face a complex decision like one of these, what do you have to do? Well, you have to read sources of information, which may be from newspapers, magazines, guidebooks, or may be online. You need to figure out, who’s telling the truth, which resource do you believe, and who do you think is most authoritative? You need to combine ideas that may differ, and disagree with one another, figure out which one is most accurate, and put it all together in a way that makes sense, so that you can then make decision that’s best for you. All of these are research and thinking skills which are very much like those that are involved in writing a research paper.

Understanding how to analyse, evaluate, criticize, combine, and draw conclusions from information sources is crucial to everyday decisions

So, it may be in your life the most important think that you research is, what car to drive or what house to buy. Even if that’s the only kind of research you’re ever going to do, you’ll be glad that you developed a research skills like the ones that this blog will be teaching.
joe root
hr@ [Business Assignment Help](https://assignmentau.com/business-assignment-help)

Authors: joe root
Publication year:
Language: English (EN)
Level of knowledge: Advanced: apply
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