Making science engaging is vital work, but fraught with challenges. How do you stay relevant in your local community? How do you ensure activities are designed in a way that places the needs and preferences of multiple target audiences at their centre? How do you find new collaborators and effectively expand your network? If you work for a science engagement organisation and need some support or just a little direction, this quick start guide to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) will help.


Authors: Malvina Artheau (Science Animation Midi-Pyrénées, France), Carlos Catalão (Ciência Viva-Pavillion of Knowledge, Portugal), Patrizia Famà (MUSE, Italy), Gonçalo Praça (Ciência Viva-Pavillion of Knowledge, Portugal), Antonina Khodzhaeva (Ecsite, Belgium), S
Publication year: 2017
Language: English (EN)
Level of knowledge: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required
Usage rights: CC BY NC SA
