The following course is a general introduction to the various components and philosophies of Open Science, that can directly enrich each step of the scholarly lifecycle (Open Notebook Science, OpenData, Open Research Software, Open Access). The overall objective of the course is to provide an introduction to why Open Science is essential to rigorous, reproducible and transparent research, as well as to future research evaluation criteria focused on societal impact.

Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods.

The learning outcomes of this course are:

  • Understand the relevance of OS in relation to research integrity, reproducibility and impact;
  • Identify suitable tools to help you embrace OS at each stage of the research lifecycle;
  • Understand the potential of OS in supporting innovation and economic growth

Estimated time for completing this course is 3.5 hours.

Greater insight on how to implement Open Data and Research Data Management, Open Access, copyright and e-infrastructures into the scholarly lifecycle and grant proposal preparation, can be found in the rest of the FOSTER courses.

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This short video provides an introduction to Open Science.

This short video explains what is Open Science.

Open Science 101 : This reading provides an introduction to Open Science and proposes five Open Science schools of thought.

This short video describes some of the Open Science benefits.

This reading presents the European Commission requirements about Open Science policy making and the results of the Public Consultation on Science 2.0

This reading discusses "openness" and proposes a structure for data sharing.

Studies conducted the past 10 years are concluding that openning up research increases citations and brings a citation advantage not only to research papers, but also their accompanied research data.

This short video shows how Open Science can be applied in the research workflow.

These resources demonstrate and provide the tools that researchers can use to apply open science to their research.

This short video concludes briefly how Open Science benefits all research stakeholders and how researchers can apply Open Science.

  • Open Science: Conclusion

    This short video concludes briefly how Open Science benefits all research stakeholders and how researchers can apply Open Scienc

In this video we discuss how Open Science benefits to researchers, institutions, funders and the public, and presents ways that Open Science can be integrated with the research workflow.

Full details

Level of knowledge: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

