Policy framework and roadmap for open access, open data and open science Iryna Kuchma EIFL Open Access Programme Manager Presentation at Autumn training school “Development and Promotion of Open Access to Scientific Information and Research”, September 20, 2014, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria www.eifl.net Attribution 4.0 International Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research Website: www.fosteropenscience.eu Twitter: @fosterscience / #fosteropenscience Attribution 4.0 International Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation & Science: “Putting research results in the public sphere makes science better & strengthens our knowledge- based economy. The European taxpayer should not have to pay twice for publicly funded research. That is why we have made OA to publications the default setting for Horizon 2020, the EU research & innovation funding programme." European Commission A study funded by the European Commission (EC) suggests that OA is reaching the tipping point, with around 50% of scientific papers published in 2011 now available for free. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-786_en.htm?locale=en “The tipping point for OA (more than 50% of the papers available for free) has been reached in several countries, including Brazil, Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the US, as well as in biomedical research, biology, and mathematics and statistics.” Eric Archambault, Didier Amyot, Philippe Deschamps, Aurore Nicol, Lise Rebout & Guillaume Roberge: Proportion of Open Access Peer-Reviewed Papers at the European and World Levels—2004- 2011 (August 2013) http://www.science-metrix.com/pdf/SM_EC_OA_Availability_2004-2011.pdf OA policies: the majority of 48 major science funders considered both OA publications in journals & self-archiving in OA repositories. More than 75% accepted embargo periods of between six to 12 months. Eric Archambault, Didier Amyot, Philippe Deschamps, Aurore Nicol, Lise Rebout & Guillaume Roberge: Proportion of Open Access Peer-Reviewed Papers at the European and World Levels—2004- 2011 (August 2013) http://www.science-metrix.com/pdf/SM_EC_OA_Availability_2004-2011.pdf Open access policies in Europe Open access policies in the US Open access policies in China and Latin America OA is now required by law in Argentina and in Peru and in Mexico Discussed in Congress in Brazil Discussions & Recommendations Ten years on from the Budapest OA Initiative: Setting the default to open On policy Every institution of higher education should have a policy assuring that peer-reviewed versions of all future scholarly articles by faculty members are deposited in the institution’s designated repository On policy (2) University policies should respect faculty freedom to submit new work to the journals of their choice. University policies should encourage but not require publication in OA journals, and should help faculty understand the difference between depositing in an OA repository and publishing in an OA journal. On policy (3) Every institution of higher education offering advanced degrees should have a policy assuring that future theses and dissertations are deposited upon acceptance in the institution's OA repository. At the request of students who want to publish their work, or seek a patent on a patentable discovery, policies should grant reasonable delays rather than permanent exemptions. On policy (4) Every research funding agency, public or private, should have a policy assuring that peer-reviewed versions of all future scholarly articles reporting funded research are deposited in a suitable repository and made OA as soon as practicable. On policy (5) Universities with institutional repositories should require deposit in the repository for all research articles to be considered for promotion, tenure, or other forms of internal assessment and review. On policy (6) Insofar as universities, funding agencies, and research assessment programs need to measure the impact of individual articles, they should use article-level metrics, not journal-level metrics On policy (7) Similarly, governments performing research assessment should require deposit in OA repositories for all research articles to be reviewed for national assessment purposes. Legal basis: Two options 1. Seek permission from publishers, and only distribute OA copies when succeed in obtaining it. 2. Ask faculty to retain the right to provide OA on the university's terms (and grant the university non-exclusive permission to provide that OA), even if faculty transfer all their other rights to publishers. Research data management policies Research data policies in German universities: Following the University of Bielefeld as the first German university with its "Grundsätze zu Forschungsdaten an der Universität Bielefeld" published in 2011, the universities of Göttingen, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin and Heidelberg have adopted their Research data policies in July 2014. Open science policy In 2014 the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture established Open Science and Research Initiative to incorporate open science and research to the whole research process. This will help to improve the visibility and impact of science and research in the innovation system and society at large; and to foster the research system in Finland towards better competitiveness and higher quality, transparent, collaborative and inspirational research process. This national initiative promotes open access publications, open research data, open research methods and tools, as well as new skills and support services in open science domain (read the policy document here). http://openscience.fi/ OA policies Open Access Policy Kit produced by RCAAP (Portugal Open Access Scientific Repository): http://projeto.rcaap.pt/index.php/lang-pt/consultar-recursos-de-apoio/remository?func=startdown&id=336 Guide to good practices for university open-access policies by Stuart Shieber and Peter Suber, the Harvard Open Access Project: https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap/Good_practices_for_university_open-access_policies Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Open Access by Alma Swan, commissioned by UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/resources/publications-and-communication-materials/publications/full-l ist/policy-guidelines-for-the-development-and-promotion-of-open-access/ MedOANet Guidelines for Implementing open access policies for research performing and research funding organizations: http://www.medoanet.eu/news/medoanet-guidelines-implementing-open-access-policies-available-7-languages OA policies (2) Research Publishing Models: A Guide for University Managers (Swan et al.): http://openuct.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/media/SCAP_Brief_3_Swan_et_al_Publishing_Models.pdf Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-pilot-guide_en.pdf SHERPA/Juliet: Research funders’ Open Access policies: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/juliet/index.php?la=en&mode=simple ROARMAP: Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies: http://roarmap.eprints.org/ Open Policy Network: http://openpolicynetwork.org/ Open research data Digital curation center: http://www.dcc.ac.uk/ Implementing an Open Data Policy::A SPARC Primer for Research Funders: http://www.sparc.arl.org/sites/default/files/sparc-open-dat a-primer-final.pdf LERU Roadmap for Research Data: http://www.leru.org/files/publications/AP14_LERU_Road map_for_Research_data_final.pdf Open research data (2) LIBER’s E-Science working group: Ten recommendations for libraries to get started with research data management (2012): http://libereurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/The%20res earch%20data%20group%202012%20v7%20final.pdf LIBER Case Studies on Research Data Management: http://libereurope.eu/committee/scholarly-research/res earch-data-management-case-studies/ MANTRA - an online course: http://datalib.edina.ac.uk/mantra/ The Royal Society (2012) Science as an Open Enterprise – Summary Report; and Final Report Open research data (3) Panton Principles for Open Data in Science: http://pantonprinciples.org/ Research data management - JISC Quick Guide: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/research-data-management Research data management guidance, The University of Edinburgh: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information- services/research-support/data-management/data-manag ement-home Zenodo: Research. Shared: https://zenodo.org/ Open research data (4) RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy: http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/datapolicy/ Data Support Services for Researchers at Oxford: http://researchdata.ox.ac.uk/ Research Data Management Policy, The University of Edinburgh: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/information-services/about/policies-and -regulations/research-data-policyGrundsätze zu Forschungsdaten an der Universität Bielefeld: https://data.uni-bielefeld.de/de/policy Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Research Data Management Policy: https://www.cms.hu-berlin.de/ueberblick/projekte/dataman/policy/policy-en/rdm-e ng-policyForschungsdaten-Leitlinie der Universität Göttingen: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/01-juli-2014-forschungsdaten-leitlinie-der-univ ersitaet-goettingen-einschl-umg/488918.html Open research data (5) Research Plan, Academy of Finland: http://www.aka.fi/en-GB/A/Funding-and-guidance/How-to -apply/Appendices/Research-plan/ Principles for the Handling of Research Data, the Alliance of German Science Organisations: http://www.allianzinitiative.de/en/core_activities/research _data/principles Guide to filling in the data management section in ARC grant applications: http://ands.org.au/datamanagement/guide-to-filing-in-t he-data-management-section-for-the-arc-march2014.pdf Research Data Portal, Chile: http://datoscientificos.cl/ Thank you! Questions? iryna.kuchma@eifl.net http://www.fosteropenscience.eu/ www.eifl.net