The Dutch National Atlas of Public Health and Health Care Marit de Vries 1 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 20152 Introduction Mapping public health and health care in From data to maps Succeses and challenges Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 20153 What? Information about health care and public health in the Netherlands For whom? policy makers, professionals and researchers How? Online website 4From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation ● Large variation in data resources ● Our data is the result of different ways of data collection - Registrations - Questionnaires ● Obtaining the data Remote access, CBS Statline, individual files , contracts Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 Structuring Mainly in relational databases (MS Access) - Checking and matching regional data - Standardisation (controling for age and sex) - Statistical significance - Distance / Travel time modelling - Calculating average over multiple years GIS serves as link between data table and map. Sometimes GIS is used for spatial analysis Visualisation Mainly in ArcGIS and Adobe Illustrator Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 20155 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation 6 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 20157 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Objectives and functions of our maps 1. Describing regional patterns 2. Comparing patterns / maps 3. Evaluating 4. Discovering problems Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 20158 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Describing regional patterns 9 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Describing regional patterns: levels of scale 10 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Describing regional patterns: levels of scale 11 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 Comparing patterns / maps From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation 12 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Comparing patterns / maps 13 Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 2015 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Evaluation Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 201514 From data to maps Collecting | Structuring & Visualisation | Presentation Discovering problems Successes - Large amount of maps - Interactivity - Knowledge integration with other parts of our website (explanations, data and info on prevention, costs, …) - Maps and data are publicly available Challenges - In data structuring: lacking geocoding, changing boundaries, names and codes of regions - In data collection: Actuality, availability of data over time and on regional levels, dependency on third parties - Regional perspective, not the whole story (Municipal Health profiles) Mapping public health and health care | October 19, 201515 Successes and challenges