Guillaume Filion Group leader genome architecture (CRG) Toni Hermoso Bioinformatician at the core facility (CRG) In the beginning were computers and the Internet. Open access in research Open means Transparent Open means Accessible Open access publications Berlin declaration on open access The Internet has fundamentally changed the practical and economic realities of distributing scientific knowledge (…) 2000 2003 20152014 Mandatory open access for H2020-funded research 2002 Budapest open access initiative The business model $ $ Articles (Journals) The readers pay The author pays ? Publishing today source: Costs of open access (1) Every day on PubMed 2600 new articles. This is ~13 million € fees. Who pays? Costs of open access (2) $ Predatory journal Benefits of open access (1) Benefits of open access (2) ? $ ? Why publish open access? Open access data 2002 2003 Costs of open data (1) ENA is > 5000 TB Cost much smaller than publications Who pays? Costs of open data (2) Confidential data cannot be open Opening personal data may backfire Benefits of open data (1) Benefits of open data (2) $ $ Fame / citations Benefits of open data (3) Quality Safety Cost Open access code 1985 1991 Linux Costs of open code Who pays? User support / new features Write portable code Non profit Benefits of open code (1) Benefits of open code (2) $ $ You are the product Software is your advertisement The users pay Benefits of open code (3) Quality Reproducibility Benefits of open code (4) Open access software and data can boost your research. But how to do it right? Open Science. Good practices in Bioinformatics Toni Hermoso Pulido (@ ) Bioinformatics Core Facility Centre for Genomic Regulation (BCN) toniher Open Science The six principles of Open Science Document Write it down or ... it didn't happen! Document: Why? Organise ideas Understanding code and steps in the future for you and others Fixing errors Help in future publication Document: Where? File System (e.g. README or TODO files) Control Version System Git, SVN, etc. Content Management System Wiki CMS, Drupal, etc. Document: How? Plain text Format Unstructured Free Wikitext Markdown Document: How? Format Structured Config files XML, JSON, INI, YAML Templates (e.g. in wikis) Database Management Systems (Relation or NoSQL) Tag and track I never said so! Tag and track: Why? Convenient backup Error tracking and reversion Checking history Allowing collaboration on different time points Publication of specific snapshots Tag and track: Where? Code, documentation: Control Version System (Git, SVN, etc.) Interfaces: (local installation) Wiki CMS (e.g. ) Data, files Plain Git (small files) or Document Management Systems Github Gitlab [Semantic] MediaWiki Git with large files Tag and track: Concepts Revision, Version, Commit Branch Tag, Release Fork, Pull request Tag and track: Publish Working and executable code Docker & Singularity hubs Identify Content & Code (DOI) Figshare Zenodo ( ) Bio specific repositories (SRA) (Genome Expression Data) ENA, EGA and others. with Github Sequence Read Archive GEO Archive Detail Reproduce Run it again, Sam! Reproduce: Why? Nowadays not only textual statements but also code and data Peers and collaborators should be able to reproduce by themselves Check errors Improve code, data Test in different conditions Standing on the shoulders of giants Reproduce: How? Code requirements, recipes Scripts Test frameworks Package managers (e.g. ) Virtualisation Hypervisor: VirtualBox, VMWare, etc. Containers: , Conda Jupyter Docker Singularity Reproduce: Note on python & pip pyenv pyenv-virtualenv pyenv install x.y.z pyenv virtualenv x.y.x myvenv pip freeze > requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt Reproduce: Other languages Perl: PHP: Java: NodeJS: etc. perlbrew phpbrew jenv nvm Reproduce: Conda Popular package manager Takes care also of binaries, libraries : specific Bioinformatics recipesBioconda Reproduce: Jupyter Former IPython Notebook Combines in a single notebook documentation (Markdown), comments and executable code with its output Underlying notebook format is a JSON text file Can be exported into PDF, HTML, etc. Reproduce: Jupyter Apart from Python (2 or 3), now also different languages with Kernels: R, Perl5, Perl6, Javascript, ... Additional widgets (e.g. for charts) Convenient for sharing code and training more Jupyter gallery in Github Reproduce: Docker Allows shareable Linux systems that can be run in any machine were Docker is installed Build images with a script file (Dockerfile), very similar to a Linux command-line script You can reuse, adapt, extend Don't reinvent the wheel Repository of Docker images Reproduce: Docker Microservices principle 1 Image -> n Containers -> n Services n Services -> 1 full application Example: BLAST Web application Web server container Database container BLAST application running container Making it work together: system scripts etc. Docker compose Reproduce: Singularity Like Docker but more suitable for HPC environments No need of a Docker daemon running / less problematic for security Docker images convertible into Singularity ones Conversion script Singularity Repository Recomendations to containerize your bioinformatics software Pipelines & Workflows Guilty by association Pipelines & Workflows: Why? Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. D. McIlroy, P.H.Salus Unix Philosophy Pipelines & Workflows: How? Traditionally from Shell script files Frameworks or applications Web-based GUI and command-line Command-line Galaxy Apache Taverna Nextflow Common Workflow Language Pipelines and Workflows: Nextflow Concepts Processes Any pipeline or program (in any language) In local disk or in containers (Singularity, Docker) Channels FIFO queue Normally files in a filesystem Pipelines and Workflows: Nextflow Concepts Config files Different config files, calling one to another can be created for adapting to different scenarios Executors Local machine HPC cluster: SGE, Univa, SLURM, etc. Cloud systems: Amazon Cloud, Apache Ignite Questions? Comments? Diversity There's more than one way to do it Criteria Kind of tasks Team profiles Infrastructure and privacy Previous knowledge and time Criteria: Tasks Data Analysis Interface / Web programming Teaching/Training Environment (where can be acheived) Interface/Web HPC etc. Criteria: Profiles Wet lab scientists Statisticians, programmers Citizens Personal and working situations Interns, PhD students, PostDocs Technicians (full-time, temporary) Project funding length Criteria: Infrastructure, privacy Data transfer Cluster vs Cloud Sysadmin or support Human or clinical data involved Funding vs time devops Criteria: Knowledge Programming language(s) Python, R, JavaScript, Java, Perl Availability of libraries / reusing Frameworks, platforms Learning curve Bus factor