Resources by relevance

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Intended audience Policy makers and Funders, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: aware of

This tutorial walks users through the simple process of creating a workflow in the OpenMinTeD platform that allows them to extract links to DataCite ( - mainly citations to datasets - from scientific publications.

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Intended audience Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: aware of

This tutorial will users through the simple process of creating a workflow in the OpenMinTeD platform that allows them to perform content-based document classification on scientific publications, based on the arXiv, MeSH, ACM and DCC taxonomies.

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: aware of

This tutorial is made up of two parts:
Part I is the OpenMinTED guide to create a workflow that reads from a data source and annotate articles related to chronic liver diseases.
Part II is the guide to use the tools to build a graph displaying the progression between liver conditions.

Liver diseases and p...

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: aware of

This tutorial is made up of two parts:
Part I is the OpenMinTED guide to create a workflow that reads from a data source and annotate articles related to chronic liver diseases.
Part II is the guide to use the tools to build a graph displaying the progression between liver conditions.

Liver diseases and p...

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase how the Neuroscience use case available at the OpenMinTeD platform can facilitate the curation of neuroscience entities from the literature with the aim of supporting ongoing curation efforts in the Blue Brain Project (BBP), at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase the use case of “Extract Metabolites and their Properties and Modes of Actions”. The tutorial describes step-by-step how to create a workflow in the OpenMinTeD platform that can read input from a source and annotate entities useful for the curation of the ChEBI database.

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Programmers, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

This tutorial explains how to use the “Arabidopsis Gene Regulation Extractor” application available from the OpenMinTeD platform. It also explains the scientific issues it addresses, and how results of the TDM process can be exploited by researchers through the FlagDB++ application. It is related to the AS-D “Information Extraction of Mechani...

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase how the use case application on Agriculture, and more specifically Viticulture, can be utilized by researchers of this domain on a specific topic by using the components and the workflows that are available at the OpenMinTed Platform.

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Intended audience Industry and Business, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Researchers and Students, Text and Data miners
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

The objective of this tutorial is to showcase how the use case application around the Food Safety thematic area, and more specifically around Food Safety and Water Health, can be utilized by researchers of this domain on a specific topic by using the components and the workflows that are available at the OpenMinTed Platform.

By  FutureTDM
Publication year: 2017  |  Text And Data Mining  |  Legal Issues  |  Licences