Edit or publish your course or course material


Tip: For a larger view click on the image.

Edit your course To revisit the course you are working on and edit it, you need to be signed into the FOSTER platform. When you sign in, click on "My account", located on the top right hand side of the screen.

In the next page, choose the "My resources" tab.

At the bottom of the page you will see a list with the resources that you have uploaded or with the courses that you have created. When you find the title of the course you are interested, click on it.

Publish course or resources
From the list of courses or resources you can select the items that you are interested to publish and "Choose an operation", either publish or unpublish it. When you choose your action, click "Execute".

Authors: Nancy Pontika, Matteo Cancellieri
Publication year: n.d.
Language: English (EN)
Level of knowledge: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required
Usage rights: Attribution - CC-BY

