The OpenMinTeD project offers an integrated registry of text mining components alongside a powerful corpus builder. The platform can be used to identify a set of documents of interest and then run a text mining algorithm on those documents to quickly extract the information hidden away inside of them.

A journalist might want to use the OpenMinTeD platform when they need to learn about a specific scientific area of interest. For example, If a journalist wanted to write about a specific form of air pollution, they would first need to gather and read information on the specific issue in order to write correct information about it. Using the OpenMinTeD platform, a journalist could search for publications of interest to them, filter these publications to ensure relevance, run a set of text mining tools on these publications, and finally display the results of the text mining algorithm to help them make informed decisions about the content of the papers.

Link to the OpenMinTeD infrastructure.

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Level of knowledge: Introductory: aware of

