Open Science Workflows

A sequence of processes scientists make to administer and disseminate convoluted scientific examinations offered online and free of cost allowing the reuse of the material.


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Intended audience Librarians and Repository managers, PHD Students, Policy makers and Funders, Project Managers, Publishers, Research Administration, Researchers and Students
Level: Introductory: no previous knowledge is required

This course introduces Open Source Software (OSS) management and workflow as an emerging but critical component of Open Science. The course explains the role of software sharing and sustainability in reproducibility, trust and longevity, and provides different perspectives around the sharing and reuse of computational code and methods, namely...

By  David Mellor
Publication year: 2017  |  Open Science Workflows  |  Open Workflow Tools
By  Julien COMTE - Grégory Colcanap - Lucie Gay - Christelle Saugez-Allanic - Anaïs Scalla - Maud Soverini
By  Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
By  Ursula Arning, Jasmin Schmitz, Cornelius Puschmann, Lambert Heller
Publication year: 2015  |  Open Access  |  Open Science Workflows  |  Open Peer Review
By  Alexandre Serres
By  Julien COMTE - Grégory Colcanap - Lucie Gay - Christelle Saugez-Allanic - Anaïs Scalla - Maud Soverini